sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011

Civil Engineering Surveyor Magazine Dec/Jan

O número de Dezembro/Janeiro da revista Civil Engineering Surveyor está disponível para consulta online:


sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

Steve Jobs está vivo - Discurso histórico na Universidade de Stanford

Um discurso para a história...

1. Steve Jobs está vivo - I - Think Different

Steve Jobs está vivo - Think Different

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Campanha publicitária da Apple em 1997- Think Different


quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011

GIS Webinar - Mobile GIS Technology Trends

No dia 16 deste mês tive a oportunidade de assistir ao webinar "Mobile GIS Technology Trends", cortesia da Geospatial Solutions, by Eric Gakstatter (Editor Geospatial Solutions & GPS World’s Survey Scene Newsletter).

Os tópicos abordados:
  • What is Mobile GIS?
  • Software trends
  • Data trends
  • Device trends
  • Other trends (GPS, laser, lidar, inertial nav, accelerometer, RF ID, digital camera.  Reduced size, Lower cost & More powerful)
Recomendo a audição/visualização da apresentação, ainda disponível no 1º link desta mensagem (obrigatório registo gratuito).

Para quando a solução óptima para mobile GIS? Estamos quase  lá. Os tablets, os jogos e as aplicações móveis mostram o caminho...

Mais webinars disponíveis em: Geospatial Insights Webinars

1. Revista Geoinformatics - Duas novas edições
2. Semana Informatica - Democratizar o SIG
3. Livro GIS for Dummies

domingo, 27 de março de 2011

Data Overload and Simplicity

Excertos do artigo "Executive Insight" - Guy Laurence, CEO da Vodafone UK:

“We were brought up to believe more data was good, and that’s no longer true,” he argues.
Laurence refuses to read reports from his product managers with more than five of the vital key performance indicators on them. “The amount of data is obscene. The managers that are going to be successful are going to be the ones who are prepared to take a knife to the amount of data… Otherwise, it’s like a virus."
“Where did it all go wrong?” he continues. “My kids weren’t taught that huge volumes of data were great. Was there a university professor who stood up and said, ‘If you have over 100 indicators you’re a good boy’? Because whoever that professor is, we need to shoot him.”

"When NASA first started sending astronauts into space, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens wouldn’t work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on any surface and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300°C. The Russians used a pencil."

quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

Duelo mágico num ecrã multi-toque gigante - Reality Touchscreen University of Groningen

O seguinte vídeo é de chorar por mais. Tecnologia no seu melhor, indistinguível da magia. Um duelo de bolas de fogo num ecrã multi-toque gigantesco. Palavras para quê? Ver!

Alguns dados:
- desenvolvido pela Universidade de Groningen, Holanda
- ecrã acrílico com 3 mm de espessura
- 6 câmaras Optitrack v120
- 100 LEDs infravermelho
- 3 velhos PCs controlam as câmaras (2 cada)
- sistema detecta até 100 toques em simultâneo

Relacionados: 1. Título 1 2. Título 2 3. Título 3 SUBSCREVER BLOG:

domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

Revista Geoinformatics - Duas novas edições disponíveis no mundisimaginalus

As duas últimas edições da revista Geoinformatics estão agora disponíveis na secção de Revistas SIG do Mundis Imaginalus e neste post.

Edição nº7 de 2010 (TomTom and Enterprise GIS, Digital Globe, Point Cloud Software, Intergeo)
- And Innovation for Enterprise GIS, Location Content
- Efficient Road Maintenance, Automatic Detection and Positioning of Traffic Signs
- With LAS Format, Reigning in 3D Point Clouds
- Insight is in the Details, 8-Band Multispectral Imagery
- Making Photogrammetry Efficient, SimActive’s Correlator3D Software
- Of Volunteered Geographic Information, Quality Assessment
- Leica Viva TS15 - Robotic Imaging Total Station
- Democratizing Point Cloud Models, The Pointools Way

Edição nº8 de 2010 (Indoor Positioning, Cornwall’s Mining World Heritage Site, Bentley BE INSPIRED 2010, Airborne Digital Frame Cameras)
- Search & Rescue Management, SARMAN
- LBS on the Inside, Indoor Positioning
- For Handling INSPIRE-compliant Data, The Role of Open Source Software
- The Story continued, GIS and Imagery
- A Re-Evaluation, Cornwall’s Mining World Heritage Sit
- Managing Railway Network with Geospatial Solution, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana
- As Displayed at the Intergeo 2010 Exhibition,Current Developments in Airborne Digital Frame Cameras
- Advanced Spatial Analysis GeoMedia 3D

1. Revistas SIG / GIS com edições online
2. Semana Informática - Democratizar o SIG
3. Livro GIS for Dummies - Sinal da popularidade dos SIG / GIS